Friday, October 30, 2009

La Pena Maxima Nº 13

Llega el programa 13 de La Pena Maxima, para algunos el 13 de la mala suerte xD y es que en este programa hay unas cuantas sorpresas en cuanto a la alineación titular y algunos contratiempos, pero siempre manteniendo la calidad que nos distingue xD como siempre hablando de las mejores ligas del mundo y de lo mas relevante en el planeta futbol.

No olviden dejar sus comentarios o manden un correo a También haganse fans en el Facebook xD

Primera parte:

Segunda parte:

A Bayonetta é legal!

Talvez eu nem goste deste jogo quando for lançado, mas a verdade é que eu gosto da publicidade que se faz em cima da personagem no Japão. É muito legal!

Bayonetta é uma bruxa do tipo “professorinha gostosa” em inglês fala com sotaque britânico, em japonês fala com autoridade, tem uma música tema dançante cantada pela Michi, diz  que gosta de tabús e tem propagandas muito maneiras e um marketing extremamente agressivo no Japão. Isso sem falar que a roupa da mulher é o próprio cabelo. Putz!

Eu vi uma entrevista no blog de Bayonetta onde Hideki Kamiya, o criador, diz que a atriz que ele gostaria que interpretasse a Bayonetta no cinema fosse a Elizabeth Hurley.  E você, qual é a sua Bayonetta?

A Bayonetta foi colocada na estação de trem japonesa cheia de adesivos!

Poucos dias depois ela já estava bem a vontade!

A SEGA criou a fundação Bayonetta que tem a função de transformar as garotas em bruxas fazendo Cosplay de Bayonetta no Halloween. O que você acha?

Escute abaixo a música de Bayonetta chamada Something Missing interpretada pela cantora Michi.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


::ZinGZanGZunG presents::

es wird mal wieder zeit für ein bisschen “nova”. ich hatte ja schon einmal ein paar ihrer outfits präsentiert und bin auch diesmal nicht mit leeren händen aus ihrem shop gekommen. besonders das schwarze lederkleid hat es mir angetan. die textur ist wirklich klasse gemacht und im paket enthalten sind der schal, ohrringe, stiefel und absolut heisse overkneestrümpfe….also wenn ER da nicht schwach wird

  • skin: BELEZZA
  • haare/hair: (MS)
  • outfit: NOVA
  • tasche/bag: BAX

Kellan Lutz y su doggie!

He aqui  un pretexto mas para que las “estrellas” se luzcan y nos muestren hasta a sus mascotas! no cabe duda de que en esta edicion se fueron por lo facil y la meta principal era vender, por algo pusieron en portada a uno de los actores de la saga Twilight… que dicho sea de paso los vemos hasta en la sopa!! espero paciente que los 15 minutos de famas se les terminen en 5 al igual que la “fiebre” por los vampiros…

Monday, October 26, 2009

Colorful Euphemisms

 Top Colorful Euphemisms for Your Hoo-Hah   For Women  

Hot Pocket ♥ Tunnel of Love ♥ Pink Taco ♥ Peace Fish ♥ Ruby Fruit Jungle ♥ The Pink Panther ♥ Countess Olenska ♥ Muffy Mufferson ♥ Tang ♥ Nappy Dugout

See the other 15 at Frisky 

   ♥ Trippin’ Rip would like to add Bearded Clam


  For Men 

Hercules Meatquake ♥ Tiny ♥ The Tentacle of Love ♥ Jolly Pink Giant ♥ The Littlest Storm Trooper ♥ Sr. John Falstaff ♥ The Ejaculator ♥  Gilgamesh, Half-God Warrior King of the Sumerians ♥ The Fourth Branch of Government ♥ Zipperpocalypse

See the other 15 at Guyspeak


 ♥Trippin’ Rip would like to add: Beans and Frank

Tips Merawat Bra

Saat di rumah, Anda pasti sering melepas bra yang Anda kenakan. Hal ini disebabkan karena kegerahan dan rasa sesak di dada. Maka tak heran kalau banyak wanita yang enggan memakai bra.

Meski penggunaan bra sedikit mengganggu, tetapi bra juga bermanfaat untuk mencegah turunnya payudara lebih dini. Sebaiknya, pada saat tidur Anda jangan memakai bra karena kalau Anda terus memakainya peredaran darah menjadi tidak lancar dan bisa memicu timbulnya benjolan di payudara.

Bagi yang memiliki payudara kecil saat di rumah lebih baik tidak memakai bra, agar otot-otot, kulit dan kelenjar tidak tertekan dan bisa lebih leluasa bernapas. Sebaliknya, jika Anda memiliki payudara berukuran besar sebaiknya memakai bra untuk menyangga agar tidak kendur. Agar bra yang Anda miliki bisa terawat dengan baik, coba perhatikan tips berikut.

1. Rendam bra dalam air sabun tidak perlu dikucek-kucek jika kotorannya tidak menempel tapi jika diperlukan pada bagian belakangnya dapat dikucek. Jangan diperas, langsung digantung dan biarkan airnya menetes sendiri sampai kering.

2. Bila dicuci tangan maka untuk membuang air pada bra cukup dengan cara: saat memegang bra jangan dipelintir, tetapi peras per bagian, talinya, bagian belakang, lalu untuk bagian depan, salah satu tangan kita berada dalam posisi menggenggam bra (jika ada, genggam kawatnya) kemudian peras sampai airnya keluar.

3. Untuk pakaian dalam sebaiknya dicuci dengan sabun cuci cair tidak dengan spin di mesin cuci. Supaya lebih awet dan tidak merusak kawatnya, selain itu jadi lebih bersih karena tidak dicampur dengan yang lain.

4. Bila Anda ingin mencuci bra dengan mesin, pilihlah mesin cuci yang dapat di set hand wash dan tidak menggunakan mesin pengering.

5. Setelah dicuci, sebaiknya bra langsung dijemur dan usahakan dapat kering di hari yang sama untuk menghindari lembab pada cucian yang dapat mengakibatkan munculnya bintik-bintik hitam atau jamur.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sasha Grey shootée par Richard Kern

sasha grey shooté par un inconnu ici

Pour le magazine Vice, Sasha Grey s’est prété à tous les caprices du photographe Richard Kern… un stylisme réalisé par Aclyne Hodes… et des photos vraiment belle entre pornochic et alt-porn, franchement, je n’en met aucune ici ce serait dénaturé le travail fait par ses artistes mais vous conseille d’aller les voir en grand sur le site de vice en cliquant ici

:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Zoe Saldaña 5ta mujer mas sexy segun revista Empire

La actriz de origen dominicano Zoe Saldaña fue seleccionada en el quinto lugar entre las 50 mujeres más sexys del cine, según la revista norteamericana Empire.

La lista la encabezan Johnny Depp y Megan Fox. En segundo, en la categoría femenina está Angelina Jolie, el tercer puesto lo ocupa Emma Watson, miestras que Scarlett Johansson está en el cuarto lugar. Natalie Portman en el sexto puesto, Kristen Stewart en séptimo lugar.

Saldaña, una actriz que ha transitado el éxito en el cine se ha destacado por sus trabajos en películas como La Terminal. Actualmente asume rol estelar en las producciones cinematográficas Avatar de James Carmeron y Star Trek 2.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Creation Story: Boiling Hot and Young Hydrogen Atoms Gone Wild!

Akin to the cooling of boiling water over time, physicist Brian Cox says that we are the things that young and hot “hydrogen atoms do” after they’ve cooled and aged over 13.7 billion years.

Isn’t that ridiculous? As hydrogen atoms cool and age, they make spaghetti in pots, write poems, fret over their sins, and (among a gazillion other weird things) take cats as pets! Where did this weird recipe and stove top that we’ve been left to cool on come from? Is there anybody stirring the pot? 

This whole talk by Brian Cox is great, but if you’re short on time at least let him tell you our contemporary creation story (at the 10:50 mark of this video clip):

Monday, October 19, 2009

Girl’s alive as Cheryl wows ’em

CHERYL Cole got up and wowed the X Factor crowd last night as she sang her new solo single LIVE after all.

The sexy show judge wiggled in a racy, sheer body suit and trousers split to the hip.

But her nerves showed with a shaky performance as she belted out Fight For This Love.

Show bosses had revealed the 26-year-old Girls Aloud star would pre-record the track. But executives did a U-turn and she sang live – with possible help from some pre-recorded vocals.

Hubby Ashley Cole was in the audience for support with bandmates Sarah Harding, Nicola Roberts and Kimberley Walsh.

As Dannii applauded, Simon Cowell told Cheryl: “It is really going to pain me to say this, but that was incredible.”

MySun readers were less kind. InTenerife said: “She can’t sing. Simon’s comments were a joke!”

Jolietjake said: “Good performance by her low standards.”

But Teresa1464 said: “She was brill! Well done Cheryl.”

And Angelfireuk34 declared: “Cheryl! Amazing.”


Monday, October 12, 2009

Photos of Bikini Contest

Bikini Teacher

Extreme Bikinis

Slingshot Bikini

Scrunch Bottom

Hottest Bikini Bodies

Polka dot Bikinis

Job Searching

Alternative Job Hunt

Job Search for the Older Worker

Job Hunt

How to Perform an Online Job Search

Microsoft Certification

How to Lead A Double Life

How to Plan for College

Naked Post Card Swap

How to Travel Naked

Yaxeni Takes a Micro-Bikini Break!

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The ugly truth

Barbatii si femeile au fost intr-o concurenta acerba de cand lumea si pamantul, ei misogini, noi misandre. Ne petrecem timpul inutil gandindu-ne la cum sa facem sa ne agatam unii de altii, ignorand total ceea ce se afla fix in fata noastra de atat timp:  suntem facuti unii pentru altii! Ce atatea scheme, atatea planuri, “cum sa…”, e simplu ca buna ziua. Astazi am urmarit filmul The Ugly Truth, un film de referinta pentru cei care isi doresc sa afle cum merge treaba in relatiile intre barbati si femei.  Ceea ce credem noi ca ei au nevoie e total gresit, ne tot chinuim sa aflam cat mai multe despre personalitatea barbatilor, cum sa-i atragem, cum sa-i legam de noi, ne creeam un plan imbatabil si toate astea pentru ce? Cum spune si personajul din film, BARBATII SUNT SIMPLI, nu cer multe, au un set de reguli si dorinte, scurt si la obiect. Sunt cateva lucruri care-i fac fericiti si printre ele , primordial, este sexul. Cat mai mult, cat mai des, cat mai diversificat. Nu exista nicio cheie catre mintea barbatilor, nici nu-ti trebuie una pentru ca nu exista incuietoare, totul e “out in the open”. Nu au capacitatea de a intelege toate micile griji care te macina pe tine ca femeie, nu inteleg ce-s alea detalii si nu se regasesc in cuvantul romantism. Pentru ei o femeie trebuie sa aibe un fizic interesant, care sa atraga, asa ca nu va mai agitati atat ca va plac pentru personalitatea voastra, primul lucru pe care ei il vad este fizicul. Niciodata n-o sa se uite in ochii tai, ci in decolteul tau! De fapt sunt ca niste animalutze de companie, daca le dai de mancare si ai grija sa aiba un locsor unde sa doarma sau sa uite la meciuri…e al tau pe viata. Usor de dus de nas, usor de pacalit,  e bucuros numai la simpla atingere unui san.Daca ar avea coada, ca un catelus ar da din ea si s-ar gudura pe langa tine. Filmul merge urmarit de catre oricine, de orice varsta, ne da o lectie foarte interesanta si in acelasi timp luam si o portie copioasa de ras. Despre mintea femeilor nu s-a putut vorbi intr-un film, caci probabil ar fi incaput in 1000 de minute de pelicula, insa un fel de preview ar fi filmul What Women Want, cu Mel Gibson si Helen Hunt.

P.s :V-am zis de cat de sexy e Gerard Butler?

P.s 2: Men, can’t  live with them, can’t live without them!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hot Tattooed Women

Tattoos. They used to be considered the sign of “trouble”. Not too long ago, anyone that had a tattoo was either a sailor or a criminal. In Japan, tattoos are strongly associated with the yakuza, particularly full body tattoos done the traditional Japanese way (Tebori). In the United States many prisoners and criminal gangs use distinctive tattoos to indicate facts about their criminal behavior, prison sentences, and organizational affiliation. A tear tattoo, for example, can be symbolic of murder, with each tear representing the death of a friend. At the same time, members of the U.S. military have an equally well established and longstanding history of tattooing to indicate military units, battles, kills, etc., an association which remains widespread among older Americans.

While some of these stereotypes are still around, the people you would most unlikely suspect to have a tattoo is probably the one with them nowadays. It’s not only rock stars, gang members, criminals or military persons that have tattoos. Teachers, police officers, librarians, soccer moms, grandma’s and grandpa’s, even some preachers are sporting ink on them somewhere! In the last 20 years drastic change has been noticed. Nearly 50% of all tattoos are done on women.

Tattooed women are carving a niche as modern-day sex symbols. Kat Von D is not only gorgeous, but also an exceptional artist. There are many “A List” female celebs that are also sporting tats these days as well. Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, Drew Barrymore, Victoria Beckham just to name a few who have ink.

What I want to focus on is the woman who has INK. Not the little star on her ankle or the butterfly on her sholder and a “tramp stamp”. I’m talking about some major ink. A full sleeve! A full back! You know. Someone who spent a little money or at least went through the uncomfortableness to have ink and they are proud to show it.

To me, it is sexy for a woman to have tattoos. I’m not talking do-it-yourself “jailhouse” tattoos. Some ink is a good start and everything needs a begining. And I am definately NOT talking about the few women that have covered thier entire body with ink. Somewhere in between, there is a spot that screams E R O T I C! Is it just me??

I spent some time looking for some really good pics of women with tattoos and found that unless I wanted to subscribe to a site like “Suicide Girls”, there weren’t many to be seen. To be honest, I don’t think a site like SG has what I am looking for. While they do have some nice tattoos and some nice females, it just wasn’t what I was looking for. Nothing against SG. I wish you all the best in your work. I was barely able to find tattooed porn stars too. There are plenty that have tattoos but again, not like I was looking for. Janine Lindemulder or Adrenalynn were the 2 that I KNEW had what I wanted to showcase in this media.

Not only is Adrenalynn a beauty who is inked, she is also an artist that does tattoos!!! Chek the links section on the right under Adrenalynn INKorperated for her shops site.

If you take a look below, you will see some of what I am referring to. It’s hotness! What is is that attracts me to these women? I don’t know! I think it’s beautiful. It’s not that they are showing off thier bodies. Even if they weren’t, I would still be attracted to them. It isn’t because they are in the “industry” and have sex on film. I think that a woman like this portrays self confidence! They aren’t afraid of expression! They are just HOT!

Maybe it goes back to my Jessica story?? Like the tattooed women are premiscuous and that’s what the draw is?? I don’t know. I don’t care.

So here is the question / challenge. For any females, show me your INK! Not the little butterfly on your big toe. Send me INKed bodies. It’s not for any perv thing. I’m not gonna sit there and masterbate to them or anything. If they are what I am looking for, there could be a “Tattooed Women Part 2″ post in the works.

Guys, tell me what you think. Do you llike a tatt’ed woman? If so, why? If not, why not?

Until tomorrow: As promised…… it’s time to take a look at some tattooed women.

And of course, it wouldn’t be complete without the queen herself….


Credit: Oscar Picazo Photography

Jamillette Gaxiola is a twenty year old model from Sinaloa, Mexico. She was born in Havana, Cuba. Jamillette, a 1.75 m beauty who is considered as a pageant veteran at her young age, will be representing her mother country Cuba in the upcoming Miss Earth 2009 on November at Boracay, Philippines.


(credits: Oscar Picazo and David Maynard)


Monday, October 5, 2009

"Tik neskaityk!"(arba kaip sekasi reklamuotis)

Vis galvoju,kokį čia šūkį sugalvojus…

Spaminti nesinori,juk spamina tik nevykeliai…. (looser…)

Bet vis delto reikia kokio šūkio kurį galėsiu dėti į reklaminį skydelį. Mhhm… Atsiprašau,kad nerašau(turiu daug info,bet…)tingiu labai… Prižadu tuoj atsirast keli mano žadėtieji receptai….Ir dar daugybe įdomių dalykėlių tesiog  ne toj nuotaikoj…

Tai  grįžtant prie reklamos…   Ms.Sunshine: “eikš čia kol tėvai nemato”

Cha,cha,cha….. kas sugalvos gerą šūkį ir parašys jį komentaruose??? aa???

College Girls Go Hoochie Again!!

The day approacheth, when shadows grow long, lost spirits roam the earth, and the comely young maidens of the learned places doth remove their vestments…

…To reveal their flesh and don the guises of the women of easy virtue…

Halloween Hoochie Girls!

Yes, and now that it’s almost Halloween, College Girls are getting ready to dress like hookers once again.

And can you tell that the editor of the GoHoochie blog just saw Jude Law playing Hamlet?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Beauty Tip of The Day

The Face-Slimming Makeup Trick Celebs Swear By

You probably wear just one color of foundation, right?

Well, celebs usually have two—and that’s the secret to their sleek, sculpted makeup looks! A lot of celeb makeup artists, including Brett Freedman—who works with all the glam Melrose Place stars—use one skin-tone-matching foundation color to create an even base and another shade that’s a teensy bit lighter or darker, to contour the face. Freedman says that when applied to the center of the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin, the lighter hue acts as a “spotlight” to brighten the face. Meanwhile, the darker shade can be used along the jawline to make your cheekbones look higher and slim the face. If all that color mixing and matching seems like something best left to the pros like Freedman, try this easy tip: After applying your regular foundation, use a slightly darker foundation shade and add a little bit just under your cheekbones as you would a bronzer. This’ll make your cheekbones more pronounced, and since the hue isn’t bronze or pink, you can wear it with any kind of eye-makeup color. -Andrea Pomerantz

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Two this Saturday, October 3rd

The New York Public Library: Grand Central Branch – 135 East 46th Street NY, NY

October 3rd @ 2 PM– Shanna Compton, Nada Gordon and Amy King

Shanna Compton is the author of For Girls (& Others) (Bloof Books, 2008), Down Spooky (Winnow, 2005), GAMERS (Soft Skull, 2004), and several chapbooks. Her poems and essays have appeared widely, including Best American Poetry 2005, McSweeney’s, the Poetry Foundation website, and the forthcoming Flarf anthology. Recent poems and an essay may be found in the tenth anniversary issue of LIT. She blogs desultorily at

Nada Gordon’s books include V. Imp., Are Not Your Lowing Heifers Sleeker Than Night-Swollen Mushrooms, Swoon (with Gary Sullivan) and Foriegn Bodi, and Folly (2007). Visit her blog at

Amy King is the author of I’m the Man Who Loves You and Antidotes for an Alibi, and forthcoming, I Want to Make You Safe and Slaves to Do These Things. She teaches English and Creative Writing at Nassau Community College and curates the Brooklyn-based reading series, The Stain of Poetry. For more information, please visit


EOAGH Issue 5
First Launch Event
Unnameable Books
600 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn

This event is co-sponsored by Chax Press

8:00 Amy King
8:15 Jeremy James Thompson
8:30 Mark Lamoureux
8:45 Christie Ann Reynolds
9:00 Eric Lindley
9:15 Bill Marsh
9:30 Adeena Karasick
9:45 Matthew Rotando

Amy King is the author of I’m the Man Who Loves You and, and forthcoming, I Want to Make You Safe and Slaves to do These Things. She curates the Brooklyn-based reading series, The Stain of Poetry. For more information, please visit

Jeremy James Thompson is an instructor at New York’s Center for Book Arts, as well as curator of the reading series TEXTFORM. His work focuses on the process of collaboration, the reinvention of propaganda, and the defining of a practical avant-garde.

Mark Lamoureux lives in Astoria, NY. He is the author of Astronomy Organon (Blazevox) and 5 chapbooks. In 2006 he started Cy Gist Press, a micropress focusing on ekphrastic poetry.

Christie Ann Reynolds is a native New Yorker. She is the 2009 winner of The New School Chapbook Contest, chosen by Brenda Shaughnessy. Her first full-length manuscript will be published by Black Maze Books in the summer of 2010. She lives on the undetermined border of Queens and Brooklyn.

Eric Lindley loves language like a baby loves life; that is, fearfully, perversely, inscrutably, and currently working as a robot-builder, electro-folk musician, and psycholinguist.

Bill Marsh co-directs Factory School and edits the Heretical Texts series. He also curates, a social networking site for his students at Queensborough Community College.

Adeena Karasick is a poet, media-artist and the award-winning author of six books of poetry and poetic theory, most recently Amuse Bouche: Tasty Treats for the Mouth (Talonbooks 2009).

Matthew Rotando’s first book of poems, The Comeback’s Exoskeleton, (with a foreward by Tim Peterson) is available from Upset Press. He is a member of POG, a collective of artists and poets in Tucson, Arizona.