Monday, February 8, 2010

It's Finally Over, My Review Of Not Shopping For 30 Days

The first week of January I took on the challenge of no shopping for 30 days. Click here to see the post, as well as the rules. The 30 days ended this weekend and I hit the stores right away if that tells you anything about how well this went for me. I had only broken the rules once during the 30 days when I picked up some eyeliner one Friday night, I couldn’t help it I had run completely out and Nightrider and I were going out on the town for the first time in ages. Don’t Judge Me! Anyways I guess that means I failed but I still feel like I accomplished the task at hand.

Part of the reason I did this challenge was I wanted to see what I could save money wise. I balanced my checkbook and it looks like by not shopping for 30 days I saved $100. Might not seem like much but it was equivalent to a couple of items I would normally buy. I think the average person could have probably saved more but I really just ended up spending shopping money on dinners and lunches out and other activities. Kinda defeats the purpose right? Phsssh oh well.

Something good that did come out of this was that without all the time I would normally spend shopping I had the time to devote some more energy to my blog. I reached an all time high of posts per month as well as hits and I am proud of myself for that. The transfer of energy got me back on track like I needed to be and that I consider a WIN!

Something interesting I realized about not  allowing myself to shop for 30 days was that it almost kind of felt the same as dieting for 30 days. I felt restricted in my life and like I was depriving myself. Interestingly enough much like when you diet as soon as the time period was done I hit the stores hard and spent far too much money. Sounds a lot like when you go hog-wild (no pun intended) after dieting and binge to your heart’s content doesn’t it? I also became extremely obsessed, even more so then usual, with the idea of shopping with clothes and with fashion. Since I was longing for it so bad & I couldn’t have it I spent a lot of time online window shopping, as well as reading fashion blogs…I love to torture myself. I didn’t love my current wardrobe as much as a normally do, just because I wanted something new, but I did put together some new outfits from pieces I hadn’t worn in a while.

Overall I think it was a learning experience but what I learned was I am far to rebellious for limitations and I feel better mentally when I give into my needs. This did however mature me and made me think a bit more about purchases. Yesterday I spent less at Torrid then I normally would and still came home with some great pieces. I also spent sometime thrifting, which I don’t do much of, and found some great stuff as well. Oh yeah and I ordered the dress I’ve been drooling over from ASOS and a new black bomber jacket. A girls got needs!!!!!

This week should be filled with OOTD  posts and reviews of my new clothes so stay tuned!

Needless to say I won’t giving myself anymore no shopping challenges anytime soon, but more power to ya if you can!


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